Common Misconceptions Beginners Have About Photography


Gear Focus

Mar 30, 2020

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Congratulations—you’re a new photographer! Welcome to the photographer community. If you haven’t noticed already, there’s a lot to learn when it comes to the world of photography, and we’re here to help. There’s an overwhelming amount of information about photography available; a lot of the information is good, but some of it isn’t so good. So to help start you off on the right foot, we’re going to debunk some of the common misconceptions beginners have about photography.

Misconception: If you use the same gear as the professionals, your photos will look just as good

One of the biggest misconceptions is that your gear is the only factor that determines the quality of your photos. While your gear is very important, this mindset isn’t accurate. Your gear includes the tools you use to create something special; however, your eye for shots, technique, and editing skills determine the quality of your photos. All skills you’ll learn and improve over time.

Misconception: It’s too late to learn photography now

Some people have always wanted to pick up photography as a hobby, but they don’t get around to it until they’re older. Unfortunately, some of these individuals never pick up photography because they tell themselves it’s too late to start now. Again, that’s not true. Anyone can learn photography, regardless of their age, as long as they’re willing to be patient and practice.

Misconception: It’s best to shoot in autofocus

Now this misconception can spark debates, but similar to your gear, the features on your camera help you create something special. We wouldn’t say it’s better to shoot in autofocus or manual focus, because there’s no right or wrong way to take your photos. Many beginners will learn to shoot with autofocus, but over time, you may want to adapt to manual focus or at least know how to shoot in manual. The reason a lot of experienced photographers shoot with manual focus is because they want to exert full control over the camera’s settings, lenses, and so on.

Misconception: Professional photographers reach their peak

Any experienced or professional photographer will tell you the same as us––you never stop learning. So many beginner photographers look up to professionals or see photographers who are making money, and they think, Well, they’re getting paid, so they obviously figured it all out. This thought couldn’t be further from the truth because any photographer who claims to know everything certainly does not. They may be really good at one type of photography, or be really knowledgeable about gear, but there’s always something to learn. Whether you’ve been practicing photography for years, or you’ve never picked up a camera before, don’t fall prey to these common misconceptions beginners have about photography. Be open and willing to fail, because there’s no better way to learn and enjoy the process. Since you’re a beginner, you probably need a camera or some additional gear. Here at Gear Focus, we believe in bringing creatives together and building a community. So whether you’re looking to buy a digital camera or gear like tripods and lenses, we have an extensive inventory of new and used gear for you to shop from. Contact us today for more information.

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