KIPON 50mm f/2.4 Prime Lens for Nikon Z Series

KIPON 50mm f/2.4 Prime Lens for Nikon Z Series
The Kipon Elegant 50mm f/2.4 lens is crafted for mirrorless cameras using the Nikon Z mount. It's an ideal choice for photographers seeking a lightweight, compact solution without compromising on build quality. Built for enduring performance, this prime lens comprises a six-element construction in six groups, delivering a classic rendering of images. Its manual focusing feature enables detailed control over composition, allowing for precise handling of subjects starting from a close 2 feet distance. A robust all-metal design, coupled with marked depth of field and focus distance indicators, offer enhanced operational precision.
Model50mm f/2.4
MSP Price$325.00

Product Highlights

  • Nikon Z Mount Compatibility
  • Fixed f/2.4 Aperture, stops to f/16
  • Precise Manual Focus Capability
  • Inscribed Depth of Field and Focusing scales