Want to up your drone photography skills? We've got 5 tips for better drone photos that can help take your photography to the next level. Flying the drone can be fun and exciting on it's own, but while you're up there taking a look at the ground from above, snap some great pictures to remember your flight!
Better Drone Photos
While it can be fun enough to just fly a drone around, it's even better if you can do that AND take a couple pictures. And if you are taking aerial photos, there's no reason not to try to make them look as great as possible. That's why we've put together this quick list of 5 tips on how to take good drone photos.
These tips will work with just about any drone you fly, but we used the
DJI Air 2S for our video. Don't think that you need this specific drone in order to achieve these same results.
Tip #1: Shoot in Manual
This may not come as a shock, but taking control of the drone and shooting in more manual modes can have great effects on the final output. Now, if you've never taken a picture and/or flown a drone, auto modes may be the way to go. But as you gain more experience with both, start switching to some of the manual controls to really push your photography further.
Tip #2: Use the Whole Sensor

Make sure you are shooting in (or - whatever your drone has). Doing this will use the entire sensor that your drone has to offer. This is beneficial in post because you can crop and reframe your photos however you need. You don't want to shoot as then the camera is cropping internally.
Tip #3: Shoot in HDR
Shooting in HDR, or high dynamic range, will help you pull more data into your photos for post-processing. Use AEB or auto exposure bracketing to do this. This will take three separate exposures that can then be stacked in post. This will allow you to achieve a high dynamic range on your images.
Tip #4: Pick the Right Time of Day
When working with the sun as your light source, there isn't a lot you can do to adjust the lighting. And even more so when you are flying up in the air: you can't control or move anything. So the way to get around that is careful planning. Think ahead about what you want to shoot, where you want to fly. It's a good idea to fly and get a look around prior to when you want to shoot. If you are able to do so. This way, you'll know exactly what you are going to do, and you'll be able to fly exactly when the lighting is optimal.
Usually, this is during the golden hour of photography. It is no different when you are flying a drone as opposed to being on the ground. So if the lighting looks good when you are in the air, you can take advantage right away. If not, try to gauge where the sun is tracking and plan to come back at a time when the sun is better positioned.
Tip #5 for Better Drone Photos: Composition & Angles
Thanks to our friend Joey Helms for contributing our fifth tip for better drone photos. It's important to realize once you get up in the air just how free you are to go where you want. (Within reason of course - be sure to follow all local laws/regulations.) But you can get such a different perspective when you are airborne that you just can't get on the ground.
Be sure to check out
Joey's Gear Shop and don't forget to head over to
his YouTube channel and give him a like/subscribe while you're there. He puts out some awesome content!
What Are Your Best Tricks for Better Drone Photos?
Do you have any tips or tricks that you rely on when you are out shooting aerial photography? We'd love to hear what you do in order to take better drone photos! And don't forget to
fill out our survey for your chance to win an Aputure Amaran 100d, and celebrate
World Photography Day 2021 with us and Lume Cube for more prizes!