The Cooke 32mm T2.2 Panchro/i Classic Cinema Prime Lens marries the timeless Cooke Speed Panchro aesthetic with the innovative i/Technology lens data system. Compatible with digital and film Super 35 format cameras, this lens feature focus indicators in feet and retains the classic appearance while minimizing aberrations, flares, and distortions across the complete aperture range from T2.2 to T22. It shares color matching with renowned Cooke lenses including the S4/i, 5/i, mini S4/i, and Anamorphic/i series. Notable is its 6.3-inch close focus ability, manageable 2.6-pound weight, and abbreviated 3.6-inch build. Equipped with industry-standard 0.8 mod focus and iris gear rings, the lens is tailored for precision focus pulls via manual or wireless systems.
SeriesPanchro/i Classic
Model32mm T2.2
MSP Price$11,900.00