Listed On:
January 16, 2024
Last Updated:
April 25, 2024
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DP owned who is retiring. Pristine condition. Used only a few times. Never rented as others on the market. Maintain by Duclos. The Duclos 11-16mm is an extremely versatile lens. While it's wide-angle nature may be unique, it's right at home on a variety of productions including aerial, underwater, landscape, action sports, and many more environments. The original 11-16mm cinema rehousing, the Duclos 11-16mm provides an operator friendly, robust cinema housing with 32-pitch zoom, focus, and iris gears. The aluminum body features an 80mm front ring with a 77mm filter thread complimented by a stainless steel Arri PL mount.Original cost $3,600.00 US. One owner used 4 times. Cleaned and lubricated by Duclos. Focal Length 11-16mm Max Aperture T2.8 Format Super 35 Lens Mount PL, EF, F Min. Focus 12" Front Dia. 80mm Filter Thread 77mm Iris Blades 9 Optical Layout Body Material Anodized Aluminum Data Protocol N/A Length 3.5" Weight 1.5 lbs.
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